Movie Going

“Die Hard” Remains An Action Fave

HOLLYWOOD—There are those movies that are good, then there are those movies that are great. For some reason, every single time the flick “Die Hard” comes on cable I stop and watch it from start to finish. What is it about this movie that makes it a must-see each time? Well it’s probably our hero John McClane portrayed by...

“Age Of Adaline” An Enchanting Tale

HOLLYWOOD—Its not quite easy to categorize “The Age of Adaline.” Upon first glance, I immediately considered it to be a timeless romance, but upon seeing the movie, it’s a romantic fantasy of sorts. The movie stars Blake Lively as Adaline Bowman, a woman who seems obsessed with the notion of staying young. This is an important theme throughout the...

“Nightmare On Elm Street 3,” A Worthy Sequel

HOLLYWOOD—Sequels seem to happen all the time in Hollywood nowadays, but how often does a sequel actually surpass the original. I would say 98 percent of the time it never happens. That rare occasion you have an “Aliens,” “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” or “The Godfather Part II,” but a horror flick that can easily compare to the original is...

“The Avengers: Age Of Ultron,” Popcorn Fun

HOLLYWOOD—I will be the first to admit; I was not the biggest fan of “The Avengers” when it was released back in 2012. I thought the movie was good, but in no way was it comparable to “The Dark Knight.” Yeah, I had ongoing arguments with plenty of people who thought, “The Avengers” was the best comic book movie...

“Memento,” A Classic That Gets No Love

HOLLYWOOD—There are some movies that when you first see them you’re so lost its hard to describe them. That is the notion that I get when I see most films by director Christopher Nolan, but it’s something about the director’s work that makes me think he is a genius. He knows how to play with your mind. I remember when...

Summer 2015 Movie Preview

HOLLYWOOD—I seriously can’t recall the last time I was super excited about the summer movie season arriving, but 2015 is looking like one of the best to date. We have superheroes, ghosts, funny ladies, dinosaurs and more superheroes; enough for the entire family to enjoy. The month of May will be one of the biggest movie months to date in...

“Batman V. Superman” Trailer Teases

HOLLYWOOD—The new trailer for the comic book duel fans have been waiting for “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice” leaked on the Internet last week and has plenty still speculating what craziness the audience can expect in March 2016. The movie which stars Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck caused major uproar when it was revealed that Affleck would take on...

“Unfriended,” Cyber Horror Unleashed

HOLLYWOOD—It has been awhile since we’ve seen a tense-thriller, well that is if you don’t count “It Follows.” Our latest supernatural thriller “Unfriended” takes horror to the Internet to scare audiences. Now this is a subgenre that has rarely been tapped into. I can only recall one prior flick that attempted the notion of using the computer as a death...

“Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2” Laughs Galore

HOLLYWOOD—I recall when the film “Paul Blart: Mall Cop” arrived in 2009, my nephew seriously thought it was one of the funniest movies of all time. I mean he could watch it over and over again without any hesitation. When you factor in that the movie starring Kevin James as a cop ensuring the safety of all residents at...

Horror And TV Can It Work?

HOLLYWOOD—There has been a debate for years that violence on television is reaching epic proportions and I would agree. My interest was peaked this week when I got my first glimpse of the trailer for the upcoming MTV series “Scream.” Yes, that 1996 movie that totally changed everyone’s perception about answering the telephone and watching horror movies is getting...
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