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“PLL” Recap: ‘Pretty Isn’t The Point’

HOLLYWOOD—I was eagerly awaiting the episode of “Pretty Little Liars” where the audience would be treated to a handful of juicy tidbits. Well the wait is over, as ‘Pretty Isn’t the Point’ gave the audience the inside scoop on what Mike was really up to and Mona’s nefarious plan, but more on that later. The episode opened with Aria and...

Bay Area Sports Enjoying A True Renaissance

Bay Area Sports
SAN FRANCISCO—Life is good for Bay Area sports fans. The Giants are World Series champions. The 49ers have a new coach and an embarrassment of talent. Heck, even the Derek Carr-led Raiders have a little somethin-somethin to be excited about. Oh, and of course, there's the local NBA team, scoring and winning at a rate beyond the wildest dreams of a...

Cafeteria Fire Raises Arson Investigation

SAN FRANCISCO—Law enforcement officials have begun preliminary investigations concerning a suspicious fire that destroyed the cafeteria of an Oakland middle school on Monday, February 16. The fire, setting off two alarms at Claremont Middle School, was first called-in by a passerby who spotted the blaze at 1:49 a.m. The first wave of firefighters came from nearby Rockridge BART Station, who...

Van Finds Itself On Island Of its Own

OAKLAND—On Monday, February 16, just North of the Bay Bridge, a van occupied by passengers found themselves marooned on a small patch of terrain, as the group was caught by the sudden tidal change at approximately 9 a.m. The blue van was entirely surrounded by water, forcing its occupants to remain in place until the change to a low tide. According to...

Grey Whales Spotted In SF Bay

SAN FRANCISCO—Boaters in the San Francisco Bay are being asked to operate with caution after two grey whales were spotted in the bay on February 14. The bay is a natural habitat for grey whales. Their current presence is not considered unhealthy, premature, or abnormal. Boaters are being asked to keep 100 yards away from the creatures, who were spotted...

Utilizing That Tax Return

UNITED STATES—Tax season is that time of year that so many of us jump for joy, others we dread. Yep, I’m referring to those self-employed candidates. Rather you owe Uncle Sam or if you’re expecting a return, preparing for tax season is important. The biggest problem most people make when it comes to tax season is not being prepared. Having...

Hate Crime In Chapel Hill?

SAN FRANCISCO—A San Francisco resident is demanding police in Chapel Hill, North Carolina perform a hate crime investigation in the murder of her brother and his family. Suzanne Barakat, a physician at San Francisco General Hospital, claims her brother Deah Shaddy Barakat, his wife Yusor Mohammad, and her sister, Razan Mohammad Abu-Sala were gunned-down in act of hatred against the...

Mysterious Smoke Appears At Powell Station

Mysterious Smoke
SAN FRANCISCO—A sparking track insulator caused an alarming quantity of smoke to gather on the platform of the Powell Street train station Friday, February 13. At 8:45 a.m., service to the station temporarily stopped as Bay Area Rapid Transit officials worked to determine the source of the mysterious smoke. Passengers reported what looked similar to a firecracker flashing near the tracks,...

Killswitch Crushing Smartphone Theft

SAN FRANCISCO—Smartphone theft is a crime that has proliferated throughout San Francisco and other United States cities. Some of these thefts are violent in nature, as thieves have used physical intimidation and weaponry to get their hands on these pocket-sized prizes. Apple has implemented its kill-switch program, incentive for smartphone theft is at an all-time low. According to the San Francisco...

Paul McGinley Robbed During SF Visit

Paul McGinley
SAN FRANCISCO—Irish golfer Paul McGinley had his golf clubs and several pieces from the Ryder cup stolen from his car on February 9. McGinley, who helped the European selects to a bird straight Ryder Cup victory in the biennial matches last year, had his golfing gear robbed from his parked car near Pebble Beach. McGinley was at lunch with a friend...
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