Point of View

The Power Of Giving

UNITED STATES—The Christmas holiday is long behind us, but that does not mean the thought of giving should cease.  It’s during the holidays that people tend to give more, but that giving should take place year round.  I can not express the feeling of gratitude and happiness that I felt delivering gifts to family and friends on Christmas Day;...

Protesting Without Violence

UNITED STATES—For those of you who are not already aware, Michigan has joined the ranks of countless other states to become a ‘Right to Work’ state.  It was something that was splattered over many news stations in the recent weeks.  There were tons of outcries from unionized workers fighting for the rights that so many others have fought so...


UNITED STATES—It would seem to be a no-brainer: should the United States recommend the same regulations regarding people with disabilities, which have been law in the US since 1990, to the rest of the world?  Surely, if these regulations are fair and beneficial here at home, we should encourage other nations to follow our fine example and adopt similar...

To Spank Or To Not Spank

UNITED STATES—It’s a debate that has been ongoing for generations.  When it comes to disciplining your child what is the best approach: to spank or to not spank?  I will be the first to admit it, when I was a kid we got spankings.  If you did something wrong a quick tap on the bottom or a pop on...

Homelessness In America

UNITED STATES—There is a huge epidemic inAmericaright now, the number of homeless people on the streets continues to grow.  It hurts my soul to see a person, particularly children who have no place to sleep at night.  In a country where we have some of the wealthiest people in the world, we should take more of an initiative to...

Tattle Tale

UNITED STATES—Last week I wrote a piece about the government having to manifest an agreement on preventing a fiscal disaster.  Well this week we’ve discovered that Republicans and Democrats still are at a stand still.  Knowing that so much is at stake and the everyday person is watching there every move, it appears Congress is so much closer to...

Social Media and Social Responsibility: The Conflict Between Israel and Hamas on Twitter

During Operation Pillar of Defense— the label the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) gave to its operations in Gaza during the recent conflict—public outcry and support for either side of the conflict was prevalent.  Facebook feeds were filled with photos and images of the conflict, fact sheets and data accumulated over a number of conflicts. Years ago in 1991 CNN brought...

Where Does The Music Industry Stand?

UNITED STATES—Rewind time to nearly 15 years ago.  The music CD was one of the hottest commodities out there.  When a new record hit stores avid fans would be the first in line to get their hands on the popular record, those were the good ole days.  In the current era, the CD is slowly diminishing to becoming non-existent. ...

The Black Friday Experience

UNITED STATES—The Black Friday experience is a tradition in our family. We’ve been doing it every year since the early 90s, but this year I wasn’t so sure. After a long day of work, I was beat. The last thing I wanted to do was spend money after I had worked so hard to earn it. After stuffing my...

Watching Election Results

UNITED STATES—I’m pretty sure I was not the only person who was glued to the television screen on Election Day to watch the results of the presidential election.   As much as I wanted to divert my attention to another program, my psyche would not allow me.  I kept flicking the channel back from FOX, to MSNBC, to CNN and...
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