
Fighting A Crusade

UNITED STATES—We all have causes that are passionate to our lives, but I’ve recently had a particular cause that has been brought to my attention. Homelessness is a major issue in America. There are plenty of states where the issue is so prevalent some in the political arena are unsure how to tackle the problem at hand. My concern...

Facing A Crisis

UNITED STATES—It’s apart of life, we all face a crisis when we least expect it, but it’s how you respond to that crisis that is important to what happens next. I experienced a Christmas holiday that dealt with one crisis after another that I never expected. I’m usually good under extreme stress and pressure, but I will say, no...

Drinking Responsibly

UNITED STATES—Let’s face it, when the New Year arrives it's time to celebrate. With most celebrations, the amount of alcohol flowing will be at gargantuan levels. When I think of New Year’s Eve celebrations, I just think of people getting hammered and not in a good way. It seems whenever people have an excuse to drink, they take things too...

“The Interview” Debacle

UNITED STATES—Last week the craziness surrounding Sony Pictures Entertainment and their movie “The Interview” starring Seth Rogen and James Franco hit the fan. Amidst threats from online hackers who labeled themselves ‘Guardians of Peace,” Sony decided to remove “The Interview” from its Christmas release. Yep, a movie studio caved into the demands of what some are calling a terrorist...

Tragedy In New York

UNITED STATES—The issue of police officers using excessive force with citizens has been at the forefront of much debate in 2014. With the recent deaths involving unarmed individuals Michael Brown and Eric Garner, people across America have gone to the streets, the airwaves and to the media to voice their outrage. On Saturday, two New York Police Officers were fatally...

Gas Prices Taking A Dip!

UNITED STATES—Oh, jeez, I can’t tell you how happy I am to see the price of gas slowly, but surely falling to unbelievable rates. I mean it was only 5 to 6 years ago, where the epidemic of high gas prices had every working American strapped. For anyone, not in the know, go back to 2008, it was right in...

Let The Black Thursday Madness Begin!

UNITED STATES—Well while Turkey Day is on the top list for many people this holiday season, some might be surprised to discover there are die-hards out there already making plans for the biggest shopping day of the entire year: Black Friday. Some might wonder where that name comes from; while business can be so bleak for a company that...

Trick Or Treat

UNITED STATES—Halloween has come and gone, and now comes the difficult job of shifting through those piles of candy to ensure nothing harmful is injected by your children. I remember when Halloween used to be such a fun day, but nowadays you can never be too careful. People older than the typical ‘trick or treat’ age (I’d say 13 or...
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