SAN FRANCISCO—On Monday, June 24, the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office disclosed that a conviction was secured against David DePape, 44, of Berkeley, California, after a trial by jury for attacking Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi’s husband in their home.

DePape was convicted of aggravated kidnapping (Pen. Code, 209, subd. (a), first degree residential burglary (Pen. Code, section 459), false imprisonment of an elder by violence or menace (Pen. Code, section 368, subd. (f), threatening the life of a family member of a public official (Pen. Code, section 76, subd. (a)) and dissuading a witness by force or threat (Pen. Code, section 136.1, subd. (c)(1)). The jury also found true allegations that DePape inflicted great bodily injury (Pen. Code, section 12022.7, subd. (c)) and personally used a deadly or dangerous weapon (Pen. Code, section 12022, subd. (b)(1)) during the commission of his crimes.

According to the evidence and testimony presented at trial, on October 28, 2022, the defendant was arrested by San Francisco Police Department after breaking into the home of former Speaker of the House of House, Nancy Pelosi and attacking her husband. DePape attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer, fracturing his skull and causing serious injuries to his right arm and hands. Paul did not know the attacker. It was reported that former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi was DePape’s intended target, was not in the home at the time of the incident.

The case was successfully prosecuted based on a thorough investigation by the San Francisco Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

“We are grateful for the jury’s service on a difficult case involving issues important to a functioning democracy,” said Assistant District Attorneys Phoebe Maffei and Sean Connolly. “The jury’s verdict reflects the gravity of Mr. DePape’s terrifying attack on Mr. Pelosi and our democracy.”

DePape is currently in custody. His sentencing will be scheduled at a later date.