UNITED STATES—What is going on with the youngsters today? I recently heard about a trend where some Gen Z are taking their parents with them to their job interviews. Wait, what? That makes absolutely no sense and I am trying to make sense of this new madness. What are the interviewees hoping to accomplish by bringing their parents with them to their job interview?

Let’s just put it out there, job interviews can be intimidating, scary and nerve-inducing. I have held a few positions in my lifetime and whether the interview is in-person or by phone, they both create massive anxiety for the candidate. I personally think in-person interviews are a bit more difficult because you will find yourself trying to pick up on non-verbal cues. You can’t always do that with the phone, even if you try. You can’t tell if a person is bored or annoyed with your answers because you cannot see their face.

Back to the issue with mom or dad (I’m assuming mom) going to an interview with their child. First, if I’m the employer it is an immediate NO for the candidate. By bringing your parent to sit outside the room or in the actual room conveys you lack confidence and authority in my opinion.

I want a candidate who is authoritative, disciplined and not afraid to lead and not follow. I mean what is the parent going to do? Give the interviewer a bad look, interrupt the actual interview when they don’t think things are going well. A parent coming to an interview is more of a headache than help. I can see doing a mock interview with mom and dad to help with potential questions, communication and delivery, but beyond the parent telling the child to go out there and do their best, what else can they do?

That is precisely it, nothing. At some point, kids become teens who become young adults who must become adults. You have to grow up at some point and take on responsibilities even if they scare you senseless in the process. Life is all about success and failure, key word being, failure. You are going to nail some job interviews and others you will falter.

I will share a tale when I was in my very early 20s applying for a position with the U.S. government. I think I nailed the interview, but I didn’t have a suit, I came to the interview dressed in dress slacks, a dress shirt and a tie. I was told if I had worn a suit I would have probably gotten the job. It was a lesson learned, you dress the part to fit the part. The more that you interview and practice answering questions the stronger your skill set becomes.

However, mom and dad cannot save you all the time. You have to break out of that bubble where you are always looking for protection and start focusing on solely making your own mark in the world. Have mom and dad sit back from a distance admiring the adult they have raised, not the adult still being babied or treated like a baby by their parents.

Written By Jason Jones