UNITED STATES—This might be an age-old question, but I think it is worth asking; can you break someone from lazy habits that are actually annoying or bad? I would like to think you can break a lazy habit. Some of you might think it is simply a bad habit, but I like to take it a step further. Nothing annoys me more than laziness, especially when it comes to things that you can easily change.

I’ll give you an example, leaving trash on the kitchen counter, when the garbage can is literally inches right where you left the mess. It is not just lazy, but stupid and annoying. Please explain to me how in the hell you are NOT capable of cleaning up after yourself? I wish I could give you that answer America, but it seems the millennials these days are just beyond lazy, and it is so damn frustrating.

It puts a bad spotlight on Millennials as a whole because not all behave in that manner. I feel like it was some terrible trend that unfolded for those born in the late 80s and early 90s. The parents have allowed the kids to do nothing and as they enter adulthood, that same behavior becomes the norm. The big issue becomes the parents asking, “What happened?”

Well, you didn’t parent? You didn’t force the kid to take on any adult responsibilities and as a result, they think they don’t have to do anything. The moment you attempt to force them to do something, then the uproar begins to erupt. Um, no, absolutely NOT. They have this flippant attitude about life. Sleep as long as possible, work when I choose to and do nothing if I don’t want to. I thought the introduction of social media in the mid-00s would be a good thing, but it made the already lazy millennials even more lazy.

Why? Everyone wants to be a social media influencer peddling products for companies they would never use, but they are paid for it. When I hear kids or young teens utter they want to be social media influencers it boils my blood; it truly does. Why don’t you want to be a lawyer, a doctor, a police officer, a teacher, a business entrepreneur, the list of professional or trade-work careers are endless. However, the younger generation just doesn’t want to indulge in actual work, even though that is part of life and how you survive.

Look, this doesn’t mean you have to work a 9-5 because let’s face it, that trend has vastly shifted as a result of the pandemic. You can work various hours now and as long as you complete your duties or tasks that is all that matters, if you ask me. This notion that you have to be in the office all day is a thing of the past and when it comes to Millennials most are not going to do it.

I hate to fathom what they would do if social media ceased to exist for a day, a week, hell a month or just permanently because the days of just posting what they’re doing all day, which is usually nothing, they would be forced to actually do something of value. Millennials get a bad rep because so many Millennials refuse to negate the preconceived theories out there, if anything they confirm it.

Do I wish things would change? Without a doubt, but I have come to the realization that there are those who are just lazy and nothing you do will change that assertion; they simply are lazy.

Written By Zoe Mitchell