HOLLYWOOD—It is really getting ridiculous at this point America. I mean c’mon. I thought Cable was expensive, but the streaming prices just keep going up and up and up and it’s getting to a point where I’m ready to cut Cable and streaming.

Streaming kept so many of us occupied during the pandemic, when let’s face it, there was absolutely nothing you could do. I mean there was nothing you could do. Stay at home, isolate and wear a mask. It started with Netflix, then Amazon Prime, then Hulu, now you have Disney+, Paramount+, Discovery+, MAX, MGM+, AMC+, BET+, Starz, Apple TV+, Showtime, Peacock, the list keeps going and going and going.

Start doing the math people, if you at least have all the streaming services I listed you’re easily paying the price of Cable if not more alone. With that said, the problem is some of these streaming services are just not that great. They might have one to two great TV shows and a few movies and beyond that, what else are you getting? I’m sorry, I’m not paying $10 a month to watch a single TV show, that is just stupid and wasteful spending of money, and the streamers know that. I mean Disney+ was once like $6.99 a month, now it’s close to $9.99 or more a month and that depends on if you want ads or not.

Guess what? They are ads, they are not going to kill you. Hell you get stupid ads on the internet now, and that is beyond frustrating. When an ad comes on simply grab a snack or use the restroom. There are things to do to occupy your time then to sit and watch ads.

There are some companies like Comcast that are combining Peacock, Apple TV+ and Netflix for the affordable rate of $15 per month. Now that is not bad, but I already have Peacock free of charge until 2025, and I just don’t care for Netflix all that much, and the content on Apple TV+ is simply too slim pickings for me to spend more money on another streamer.

Honestly, the only streamer that is a must for me is MAX. I feel like I truly get my money’s worth with this streamer because the catalog of movies is gargantuan and the content for TV watching is beyond endless and its stuff that I enjoy watching. I also enjoy Paramount+ because its level of content is expansive and that is what you want in a streamer; you want plenty of content to watch, and if there is not plenty of content to watch, what are we doing America.

I know people that have streaming services and they can’t tell you the last time they watched something on Peacock or Starz or BET+. It was like once one studio did it, everyone else starting doing their own thing, and it has just become so convoluted, you start to wonder who has the rights to what. Well, let me break it down. If it’s a Warner Bros. production it is likely on MAX, if it was something made by Paramount Pictures, it might be on Paramount Plus, and so on and so on.

Yes, things trade off as you get into the year, but some of the streamers maintain the rights to certain movies for months people. Hell, MAX has had all the “Friday the 13th” movies since I want to say late 2023 early 2024. Unfortunately, that ends in about two-three weeks, where I’m sure another streamer, perhaps Paramount+ will regain the rights to the movies that it produced.

I cannot tell you what to do with your money America, but I know plenty of you are tired of the streaming services increasing the prices every few months. If the prices stayed consistent that would be one thing, but they change all the time and let’s be honest, the prices are probably going to be climbing again in the next few months, so prepare your wallet for it.

Written By Davy Jones