Self-driving vehicles are no longer an idea for science fiction movies. These vehicles have been taking to the streets in cities around the world. Technologies are advancing. Autonomous vehicles can be found giving passengers rides around several US cities, with the most well-known being Waymo cars which are becoming commonplace in San Francisco. These vehicles have thus far been restricted to the city streets but will soon be seen using freeways around the metropolitan area.

Waymo Taxis

Waymo and other autonomous vehicles use advanced sensors, cameras, high resolution mapping and machine learning to navigate the streets of San Francisco, Los Angeles and other metropolitan areas. Proponents of the cars point to the fact that most car accidents are caused by human error and autonomous vehicles have removed the chances of that error. While it is true autonomous vehicles have had a good safety record thus far, it is possible for accidents to occur. If you are injured in a Waymo or other autonomous vehicle accident, is important to understand your legal rights.

The Waymo fleet is also environmentally sound because it is all electric, and the power the company uses to charge its vehicles comes from only renewable energy sources. From August 2023 until the official rollout of the app this past June, Waymo cars have saved more than 570 metric tons of emissions. Further, more than half of users have said they think Waymo helps them be more environmentally conscious.

The Highways

Certain highways in and around San Francisco, California, will soon be used by driverless Waymo taxis. The goal is to cut down on the transit time from point to point within the city. Waymo has been operating with a new app in San Francisco since June 25, 2024, and most of the rides are in the downtown core, serving businesses in the area. The chief advantages to Waymo rides in San Francisco is their availability 24/7 and their lack of reliance on a human driver.

Currently, the only people who can ride Waymo taxis on the highways of San Francisco are Waymo employees. When the highways open to all Waymo riders, they will have better ability to get around the city more quickly than they could through the center of town.

Other Benefits

Tourists are making good use of Waymo vehicles, using them to complete sightseeing tours. Additionally, Waymo has upgraded the app to include both Spanish and Chinese capabilities, contributing to the diversity of San Francisco’s population and the visitors to the city. In addition to the many tourists who use Waymo taxis, more than 25% of San Francisco’s population have signed up to use a Waymo taxi. That’s more than 300,000 people.

Commitment to Safety

Part of the reason Waymo has been judicious with rolling out new functionality is the company’s commitment to safety. The company would rather remain safe than progress faster. They’re understandably proud of their safety record.


Waymo is at the forefront of North American forays into the world of autonomous driving. The company has also branched out to Phoenix and is hoping to establish a presence there as it has in San Francisco. Waymo’s work is paving the way for future developments in the industry.